Clojure Instaparse Parser Tutorial: Transform Parse Tree

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

The “transform” function takes a map and parse tree, and map the corresponding function into the parse tree. Basically, it lets you transform or eval the parse tree.

(instaparse.core/transform key_f_map tree)
traverse the parse tree tree depth first, and for each node in tree, apply the corresponding function in key_f_map. Return the result. The key_f_map has the form {:key1 f1, :key2 f2, etc}
(insta/transform {:switch (fn )} tree)
… todo
(require 'instaparse.core)

(def myTree [:S
              [:A "a" "a"]
              [:B "b" "b"]]])

 {:A (fn [& args] (apply str args))}
;; returns:

;; [:S
;;  [:AB "aa"
;;   [:B "b" "b"]]]

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