TRON Operating System

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Discovered TRON project of Japan. A operating system and also encoding (alternative to Unicode)

BTRON prototype 1988 c6b7b
図1 1988年に公開されたBTRONパソコンの試作機 本誌1988年1月25日号から。
(Figure 1 Prototype of BTRON personal computer published in 1988 From the issue of January 25, 1988.)

TRON is an open real-time operating system kernel design, and is an acronym for “The Real-time Operating system Nucleus”. The project was started by Prof. Dr. Ken Sakamura of the University of Tokyo in 1984. The project's goal is to create an ideal computer architecture and network, to provide for all of society's needs.[1]

The Industrial TRON (ITRON) derivative was one of the world's most used operating systems in 2003,[2] being present in billions of electronic devices such as cellphones, appliances and even cars.[3] The operating system is mainly used by Japanese companies, although interest in ITRON is growing worldwide.[3]


USA Intervention?

Here is a interesting history part, where the cloak and dagger comes in.

In 1984, the TRON project was officially launched. A year later, in 1985, NEC announced the first ITRON implementation … In 2004, the governor of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara mentioned “TRON was once killed by the former Minister of International Trade and Industry, Hashimoto, because he was at that time under the pressure of United States.”[11] This story is supported by an article on the TRON project website,[12] citing Microsoft's lobbying against it.

both the cited source were gone.

more from the BTRON article:

Business TRON (BTRON), is a computer operating system with a graphical user interface (GUI) built upon Central TRON (CTRON), itself a subproject of The Real-time Operating system Nucleus (TRON). …

The Japanese government planned to introduce the Matsushita PC in its schools, but the United States government objected, claiming that the plan constituted market intervention and threatened Japan with sanctions (partly at the request of Microsoft).[citation needed]

BTRON was unable to gain a position in the desktop OS market, however other TRON operating systems continue to be extensively used in small devices such as mobile phones, digital cameras, and CD players.

TRON Keyboards

The TRON system also deviced a new input system for Japanese with its own didicated key physical layout. There are several keyboards for the TRON input system.