How Did Software Get So Reliable Without Proof?
How Did Software Get So Reliable Without Proof?
- this article, seems quite idiotic.
- we have, Meltdown and Spectre, heartbleed, and lots major problems.
- not even considering the Microsoft Windows crashes, browser crashes, noshows, css design guru skam, JavaScript crap, npm skam, OOP UML Design Patterns skam, agile skam.
- Even spaceship disasters.
- Have scan'd the article. Quite idiotic.
- It first implicitly presumes, that software is reliable. Sans any checking, at all.
- Then, went on and title it HOW it is so. Lol
it assumes software is reliable, because there are:
- software management
- testing
- debugging
- over-engineering (he means, like, “defensive programing”)
- Programming Methodology (LOL)
1996 is the year, that both Microsoft Windows and Mac crashes daily.
i see, this guy Hoare was addressing the thought at the time, of the 70s.
- that is, in the 70s, there's a thought, that large software may have problems, causing death.
- in nuke, in weapon, in hospital, etc.
- and back then, supposedly, the thought was, via math proof, is way to address that.
- and apparently, comes the 90s, software big n small have been around, no major death happened.
- thus, his article, “How Did Software Get So Reliable Without Proof”
- today, we know, to turn math into software or vice versa, is extremely hard.
- really, the reliability of software, is just the quality of the programer.