Why PDF Sucks

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

PDF really sucks.

How to Disable JavaScript in PDF

In Adobe PDF viewer, go to preference, and click disable checkbox there.

Use Evince PDF Reader to avoid JavaScript

You can use the open source PDF reader, Evince, available for Microsoft Windows and Linux.

As of , Evince does not support JavaScript in PDF. This is a great thing. [info source https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=338721 ]

Evince home page https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince

Evince is bundled by default on Ubuntu, Fedora.

Or, you can install it by

# install the pdf viewer evince
sudo apt-get install evince

Convert PDF to HTML/Text

You can use the following linux programs.

Convert PDF to Image Files

You can convert PDF to image files.

If you have ImageMagick install, just run:

# convert pdf to image files, using imagemagick
convert name.pdf new.png

This will generate many png files, each one named new1.png, new2.png, etc.

[see ImageMagick Tutorial]