Elisp: Parse URL 🚀
Here's a emacs lisp function that parses URL.
(defun xah-html-parse-url (HrefVal) "Parse URL HrefVal, return a hashtable. Result has following keys, string type, shown with sample values: href → http://www.example.com:49158/a/b/c?x=1&y=2#xx origin → http://www.example.com:49158 protocol → http: host → www.example.com:49158 hostname → www.example.com port → 49158 pathname → /a/b/c search → ?x=1&y=2 hash → #xx if value does not exist, such as hash string, value is nil. (keys modeled after browser URL object) All values are strings. URL `http://xahlee.info/emacs/emacs/emacs_parse_url.html' Created: 2023-02-20 Version: 2023-02-23" (let (xproto xhost xorigin xhostname xport xpath xsearch xhash xbeg xend (xhtable (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 10))) (puthash "href" HrefVal xhtable) (with-temp-buffer (insert HrefVal) (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward "://") (setq xbeg (point)) (setq xproto (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (- xbeg 2))) (puthash "protocol" xproto xhtable) (if (search-forward "/" nil "move") (progn (setq xend (point)) (setq xhost (buffer-substring-no-properties xbeg (1- xend))) (puthash "host" xhost xhtable) (setq xorigin (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (1- xend))) (puthash "origin" xorigin xhtable) (re-search-forward "\\([^?#]*\\)?\\(\\?[^#]*\\)?\\(#.+\\)?") (setq xpath (concat "/" (match-string 1))) (setq xsearch (match-string 2)) (setq xhash (match-string 3))) (puthash "pathname" xpath xhtable) (puthash "search" xsearch xhtable) (puthash "hash" xhash xhtable)) (progn (setq xhost (buffer-substring-no-properties xbeg (point-max))) (puthash "host" xhost xhtable) (puthash "origin" (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)) xhtable) (puthash "pathname" "/" xhtable) (puthash "search" nil xhtable) (puthash "hash" nil xhtable))) (progn (let ((xx (string-match-p ":" xhost))) (if xx (progn (setq xhostname (substring xhost 0 xx)) (setq xport (substring xhost (1+ xx)))) (progn (setq xhostname xhost) (setq xport nil)))) (puthash "hostname" xhostname xhtable) (puthash "port" xport xhtable)) xhtable )) ;; ;; test path, query string, frag ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com:49158/a/b/c?x=1&y=2#xx") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com:49158/a/b/c") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com:49158/a/b/c#xx") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com:49158/a/b/c?x=1&y=2") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com:49158/?x=1&y=2") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com:49158/") ;; ;; test path ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com/") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com/a") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com/a/") ;; ;; test port ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com:49158/a/b/") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com:/a/b/") ;; (xah-html-parse-url "http://www.example.com/a/b/")