Haskell Logo
Here are some Haskell logo i made. I hope webmasters will use it to spread Haskell. I hereby release it into public domain.
Here's the logo using HTML+CSS:
λ → ∀ ≫ :: ⇒
<div style="display:table; border: solid thin black; text-align:center; padding:8px"> <span style="font-size:28px;">λ → ∀ ≫ :: ⇒</span><br /> <span style="font-size:2rem; font-family:'Times New Roman',serif;">Haskell</span> </div>
Haskell Logo History
Here's Haskell's original logo:
It is made of 5 math symbols revolving around a big lambda. The symbols are:
- → The right arrow signifies transformation.
- ∀ The inverted A signifies for all.
- ≫ The double angle signifies free from disorder.
- ∷ The double colon signifies exactitude.
- ⇒ The double right arrow signifies generality.
- λ Finally, the lambda λ signifies functionality.
Here's a simplified version:
This logo's concept is based on ASCII art by Darrin Thompson, and interpreted by Jeff Wheeler. It is a result of public logo contest. For detail, and many quality logo entries, see https://wiki.haskell.org/Haskell_logos/New_logo_ideas