Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-04
New JavaScript Toy: Literature Annotation Popup
new JavaScript toy. the Story of Cupid and Psyche. Hover annotated words to see its annotation highlighted.
some selection of other stories and essays with annotation:
- To Build a Fire, By Jack London, 1908
- The Tale Of The Bull And The Ass
- Time Machine: Chapter I
- Politics and the English Language (George Orwell)
- Why I Am Not a Christian. by Bertrand Russell
Fade a Element using JavaScript
CSS Trick: Display Language Name in Code Snippet
more massive update. Added array methods, and lots others. JavaScript Basics by Example
updated. learn JavaScript in 3 hours
Firefox: How to Add/Change Keyboard Shortcuts
6 hours, much improved the JavaScript app for Unicode. See for example: Unicode: Arrows → ➵ ➛ ➲ ➤
updated. JS: Create and Insert HTML Element
discovered vanilla-js.com, its use surpasses JQuery. Amazing.
there are lots JavaScript libs and even alternative js langs. For example, CoffeeScript, Google's Dart, Microsoft's TypeScript. My recommendation is, don't use any of it. Master JavaScript+DOM fair and square.
(thx to [Craig Lennox https://plus.google.com/106755567823847315958/posts])