Cleo Integrals in the Math StackExchange

By Xah Lee. Date: .
cleo integral 2023-05-10 t96BF

a very mysterious person in math.

Basically, there is a Cleo person, from about 2013-11 to 2015-12, answered about 39 super difficult closed-form integration questions on the mathematician forum Math Stack Exchange, in the unusual manner of simply posting the solution sans any detail. And provided a false user profile saying that she has medical condition as the reason she doesn't provide proof or explanation of her terse answers. Of course, all her answers are correct. This pissed off many mathematicians on the site.

But she disappeared after 2015. never logged in her account again.

here's a video made in 2023 that explained the situation.

cleo math StackExchange 2023-04-20

Cleo Integrals

Here are the problems that Cleo answered, in reverse chronological order:

cleo integral 2015 2023-05-10 003625
cleo integral 2015 2023-05-10 003625
cleo integral 2015-02 2023-05-10 003650
cleo integral 2015-02 2023-05-10 003650
cleo integral 2014-10 2023-05-10 003734
cleo integral 2014-10 2023-05-10 003734
cleo integral 2014-09 2023-05-10 003802
cleo integral 2014-09 2023-05-10 003802
cleo integral 2014-08 2023-05-10 003819
cleo integral 2014-08 2023-05-10 003819
cleo integral 2014-03 2023-05-10 003840
cleo integral 2014-03 2023-05-10 003840
cleo integral 2013-11 2023-05-10 004017
cleo integral 2013-11 2023-05-10 004017
cleo integral 2013-11 2023-05-10 003951
cleo integral 2013-11 2023-05-10 003951
cleo integral 2013-09 2023-05-10 003855
cleo integral 2013-09 2023-05-10 003855

Cleo's Integral Questions

Cleo did ask 2 questions, though.

cleo integral question 2023-05-10 84W4T
cleo integral question 2023-05-10 84W4T
cleo integral question 2023-05-10 HBgtz
cleo integral question 2023-05-10 HBgtz

Cleo's Profile on Math Stackexchange

Cleo's profile on math stackexchange, as of 2023-05-10. Apparently false info.

cleo profile 2023-05-10 BtH5K

her purported “medical condition” is apparently fake, because back around 2015, people in the forum have pointed out, she used to say something about being her religion to give naked answers.

cleon math stack 2023-04-23 szgRT
cleon math stack 2023-04-23 szgRT

Aftermath as of 2023-05-10

Looks like the people at math stack exchange are erasing history. They deleted comments on cleo's posts. Now it's empty.

cleon math stack 2023-05-09 s9Fdk
cleon math stack 2023-05-09 s9Fdk