Neural Network Tutorial

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

The Mathematical Heart of Neural Network

neural network is just a math function, of the form

Fold [ Function[af[#2 . #1 ]], {v, M1, M2, M3, M4 } ]

or written as

af[M4 . af[M3 . af[M2 . af[M1 . v]]]]


(* neural network, typical form *)
Fold [ Function[af[#2 . #1 ]], {v, M1, M2, M3, M4 } ] ===
af[M4 . af[M3 . af[M2 . af[M1 . v]]]]

(* example of matrix multiplication *)
{{a,b}, {c,d}, {e,f} } . {x,y} === {a*x + b*y, c*x + d*y, e*x + f*y}

How Neural Network Work

Neural Network p1 3Blue1Brown zhyZz
Neural Network 2 3Blue1Brown GXJ29
Neural Network 3 3Blue1Brown SXKnN
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machine learning tutorials

Artificial Intelligence