Windows: What is CLSID GUID UUID

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .


On Microsoft Windows you see filenames like this


For example, in my home directory:

Windows NTUSER.DAT 2024-09-02
Windows NTUSER.DAT 2024-09-02

What are those strings?

CLSID = Globally Unique Identifier

That string is basically just a ID string. It is 32 digits of Hexadecimal Number.

So, the total possible such string is 16^32, which is 340282366920938463463374607431768211456 or approximately 10^39.

It is written in blocks separated by hyphen, then enclosed by curly brackets.

 12345678 1234 1234 1234 123456789012
 8        4    4    4    12

Here's a quote from Wikipedia Globally unique identifier:

Microsoft Windows uses GUIDs internally to identify the classes and interfaces of COM objects. A script can activate a specific class or object without having to know the name or location of the dynamic linked library that contains it.

Quote from Microsoft 2.5.5 Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) At

In Microsoft Windows® programming and in Windows operating systems, a globally unique identifier (GUID), as specified in [RFC4122], is a 128-bit value that is a binary unique identifier (ID) for a specific entity. The term universally unique identifier (UUID) is sometimes used in Windows protocol specifications as a synonym for GUID.

CLSID = UUID = Universally Unique Identifier

Microsoft CLSID is just a different name for the scheme known as UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). The essence is that it's just a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits, generated randomly, used to assign a ID to items.

Second Life UUID

It's used in Second Life too. In Second Life, every “agent” (that is, every account in Second Life), has a UUID, and every item you see in Second Life has a UUID (For example, images (aka textures), objects (prims), sounds, animation files). For example, here's a LSL code excerpt:

key pSprite = "1f9e3064-47e1-87bd-1b82-20638ae6e36e"; // particle image.

updateParticle() {
    // make particle, with burstrate and sprite age depending on avatar speed
    float speed = llVecMag(llGetVel());
    if (speed < 1.) {
        bRate = 1.;
        pAge = 1.2;
    } else {
        bRate = distBetweenCrumb/speed;
        pAge = trailLength / speed;
    partyOn ( pPtrn, beginColor, endColor, bRate, pAge, (key)pSprite, startScale, endScale, changeOrientationQ );