Microsoft Windows Sleep

By Xah Lee. Date: .

when the Windows went to sleep, and you went to sleep, but all of a sudden, you notice the machine wakes and fans whirls. you wonder if someone hacked into your computer while you asleep.

need to study this

here's the command line powercfg options.

PS C:\Windows\System32> powercfg /?


  Enables users to control power settings on a local system.

  For detailed command and option information, run "POWERCFG /? <COMMAND>"

Command List:
  /LIST, /L          Lists all power schemes.

  /QUERY, /Q         Displays the contents of a power scheme.

  /CHANGE, /X        Modifies a setting value in the current power scheme.

  /CHANGENAME        Modifies the name and description of a power scheme.

  /DUPLICATESCHEME   Duplicates a power scheme.

  /DELETE, /D        Deletes a power scheme.

  /DELETESETTING     Deletes a power setting.

  /SETACTIVE, /S     Makes a power scheme active on the system.

  /GETACTIVESCHEME   Retrieves the currently active power scheme.

  /SETACVALUEINDEX   Sets the value associated with a power setting
                     while the system is powered by AC power.

  /SETDCVALUEINDEX   Sets the value associated with a power setting
                     while the system is powered by DC power.

  /IMPORT            Imports all power settings from a file.

  /EXPORT            Exports a power scheme to a file.

  /ALIASES           Displays all aliases and their corresponding GUIDs.

                     Gets a security descriptor associated with a specified
                     power setting, power scheme, or action.

                     Sets a security descriptor associated with a
                     power setting, power scheme, or action.

  /HIBERNATE, /H     Enables and disables the hibernate feature.

                     Reports the sleep states available on the system.

  /DEVICEQUERY       Returns a list of devices that meet specified criteria.

  /DEVICEENABLEWAKE  Enables a device to wake the system from a sleep state.

  /DEVICEDISABLEWAKE Disables a device from waking the system from a sleep

  /LASTWAKE          Reports information about what woke the system from the
                     last sleep transition.

  /WAKETIMERS        Enumerates active wake timers.

  /REQUESTS          Enumerates application and driver Power Requests.

  /REQUESTSOVERRIDE  Sets a Power Request override for a particular Process,
                     Service, or Driver.

  /ENERGY            Analyzes the system for common energy-efficiency and
                     battery life problems.

  /BATTERYREPORT     Generates a report of battery usage.

  /SLEEPSTUDY        Generates a diagnostic system power transition report.

  /SRUMUTIL          Dumps Energy Estimation data from System Resource Usage
                     Monitor (SRUM).

                     Generates a diagnostic report of system sleep transitions.

  /SYSTEMPOWERREPORT Generates a diagnostic system power transition report.

  /POWERTHROTTLING   Control power throttling for an application.