Xah Talk Show 2022-12-30 Advent of Code Day 5 B, in Emacs Lisp, Live Coding

vidthumb  93FOKLeR50
(setq xinput "    [D]
[N] [C]
[Z] [M] [P]
 1   2   3

move 1 from 2 to 1
move 3 from 1 to 3
move 2 from 2 to 1
move 1 from 1 to 2")

;; (setq xinput
;;       (with-temp-buffer
;;         (insert-file-contents "~/web/xahlee_info/talk_show/i/advent_of_code_2022_day_5_input.txt")
;;         (buffer-string)))

;; first, split the input into 2 parts
(setq xinputParts (split-string xinput "\n\n"))

(setq xBoxesText (nth 0 xinputParts))

(setq xProcedureText (nth 1 xinputParts))
"move 1 from 2 to 1
move 3 from 1 to 3
move 2 from 2 to 1
move 1 from 1 to 2"

(setq xBoxesLineList (split-string xBoxesText "\n"))

  (car (last
         (car (last xBoxesLineList)) " +" t)  ))))

;; drop the last line
(setq xBoxesLineList (butlast xBoxesLineList) )

(require 'subr-x)

;; a list of list. each sublist is a row of boxes
(setq xBoxMatrix nil)

;; built the xBoxMatrix
 (lambda (yy)
   (let ((xx (string-pad yy (* 4 xNumOfColumns) 32))
         (xlist nil))
     (message "%s" xx)
     ;; split each line, into 4 chars
     (while (not (equal (length xx) 0))
       (push (string-trim (substring xx 0 4)) xlist)
       (setq xx (substring xx 4)))
     (setq xlist (reverse xlist))
     (message "%s" xlist)
     (push xlist xBoxMatrix)))

(setq xBoxMatrix (reverse xBoxMatrix))

;; convert xBoxMatrix into a netsed vector
(setq xBoxMatrix
        (lambda (x) (vconcat x))
;; [["" "[D]" ""] ["[N]" "[C]" ""] ["[Z]" "[M]" "[P]"]]

(defun xah-make-matrix (Row Col Val)
  "Create a matrix of dimensions Row by Col, filled by Val.
The result is lisp vector datatype, each row is also a vector.

URL `http://xahlee.info/emacs/emacs/elisp_transpose.html'
Version 2022-12-29 2022-12-30"
  (let (($mtx (make-vector Row Val)))
    (dotimes ($i Row $mtx)
      (aset $mtx $i (make-vector Col Val)))))

(defun xah-transpose (Matrix)
  "Transpose a Matrix.
The Matrix is assumed to be 2D.
Matrix must be a lisp vector datatype, and row are vectors too.

(xah-transpose [ [1 2 3] [4 5 6] ] )
return [[1 4] [2 5] [3 6]]

URL `http://xahlee.info/emacs/emacs/elisp_transpose.html'
Version 2022-12-29 2022-12-30"
  (let (($rowCount (length Matrix))
        ($colCount (length (aref Matrix 0)))
        $mtx )
    (setq $mtx (xah-make-matrix $colCount $rowCount 1))
    (dotimes ($r $rowCount)
      (dotimes ($c $colCount)
        (aset (aref $mtx $c) $r (aref (aref Matrix $r) $c))))

(setq xStacks (xah-transpose xBoxMatrix ))
;; [
;;  ["" "[N]" "[Z]"]
;;  ["[D]" "[C]" "[M]"]
;;  ["" "" "[P]"]
;; ]

;; convert it from vector to list
(setq xStacks
       (lambda (x)
         (append x nil))
;; (("" "[N]" "[Z]") ("[D]" "[C]" "[M]") ("" "" "[P]"))

;; drop empty string
(setq xStacks
       (lambda (x)
         (while (string-equal (car x) "") (pop x))
;; (("[N]" "[Z]") ("[D]" "[C]" "[M]") ("[P]"))

    (insert xProcedureText)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "move \\|from \\|to " nil t)
      (replace-match ""))
    (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
  "\n" t))
;; ("1 2 1" "3 1 3" "2 2 1" "1 1 2")

(defun move-stacks (X Y Z)
  "move one box from stack Y to stack Z, do it X times."
  (dotimes (i X) (push (pop (nth (1- Y) xStacks)) (nth (1- Z) xStacks))))

 (lambda (x)
    (mapcar (lambda (y) (string-to-number y)) (split-string x " "))))

;; (("[C]") ("[M]") ("[Z]" "[N]" "[D]" "[P]"))

(defun x-get-top-boxes (xStacks)
  "get a list of top boxes, return one string"
     (lambda (x)
       (substring (car x) 1 2))
     xStacks ""))

(x-get-top-boxes xStacks)
;; "CMZ"