disqus ad spam
disqus, the web site comment add-in, is forcing ads now.
apparently, chips are down.
The problem is that they deal out lurid sensationalism ads, like half naked chicks or lose weight trick.
Solution for now is to set it to text-only ads.
removed comment system on my site
just removed disqus comment on all my sites for now. They are now forcing image ads. And their ads are those low quality sensational types. To opt ad free, would be $10 per month. But, comment takes 30min per day to reply, and 95% are garbage. (i have 5 thousand pages on my sites) might add back, we'll see. let me know what you think.
just removed all disqus comment system on my site. they've become greedy, forcing image ads, in order to survive. but their ads, are the lurid ones.