Google Do Evil

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

we nerds helped google rise since 2000 because it is truly ethical corp and quality products. We didn't realize it turns out to be the most evil corporation in history. Very sad.

Google erasing history

been going on for a while. in a massive scale

Google erasing history 2018  2022-10-24
Google erasing history 2018 2022-10-24

Indeed, it seems that Google IS forgetting the old Web By Marco Fioretti. At

Google Search Censorship 2018-12-16

google censorship 2018-12-16 854d4
google censorship 2018-12-16

other search engines shows email.

bing search hillary clinton em 2018-12-17 0a201
bing search hillary clinton em 2018-12-17
google idiot 2018-12-22 b31a3-2
google idiot 2018-12-22