Why Not https?

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Why is Your Site Not https?

lunarus said it best (on xah discord, 2022-06-04):

HTTPS and more specifically Let's Encrypt is a power play to control the internet and prevent counter-culture from forming. By browsers using scare tactics for enforcing https it puts the control of the internet into a handful of CAs making you vulnerable to cancelling.

Enabling cancel culture starts with the “undesirables” of the day and ends with authoritarian regime that oppresses everyone that isn't in line with the elite

There are sundry reasons. None is significant by itself, but all together, it's something unwholesome.

Cert Expired Censor

cert expired https censor 2022-10-30 c7yty
cert expired https censor 2022-10-30 c7yty

Turn browser auto https off

Firefox browser https only 2022-11-05
Firefox browser https only 2022-11-05