Advent of Code 2023, Index
- Xah Talk Show 2023-12-02 Advent of Code Day 1, in WolframLang
- Xah Talk Show 2023-12-10 Advent of Code Day 2, in WolframLang, Shortest Solution on Earth
- Xah Talk Show 2023-12-11 Advent of Code Day 3, Live Coding, in WolframLang
- Xah Talk Show 2023-12-26 Advent of Code Day 4, Live Coding, in WolframLang
- Xah Talk Show 2023-12-28 Advent of Code Day 5, Live Coding, in WolframLang
- Xah Talk Show 2024-01-04 Ep526, Advent of Code, Day 6, Live Coding in WolframLang
- Xah Talk Show 2024-01-26 Ep534 Advent of Code, Day 7, Live Coding in WolframLang
- Xah Talk Show 2024-04-28 Ep549 WolframLang Coding, Advent of Code 2023, Day 8
- Xah Talk Show 2024-05-07 Ep552 WolframLang Coding, Advent of Code 2023, Day 9
- Day 10 skipped
- Xah Talk Show 2024-08-03 Ep569, Advent of Code 2023, Day 11, Wolfram Language
- Xah Talk Show 2024-08-14 Ep574, Advent of Code 2023, Day 12, Wolfram Language
- Xah Talk Show 2024-08-28 Ep580, Advent of Code 2023, Day 13, Wolfram Language
- Xah Talk Show 2024-10-18 Ep588, Advent of Code 2023, Day 14, Wolfram Language
- Xah Talk Show 2024-10-22 Ep590, Advent of Code 2023, Day 14 Part 2, Wolfram Language
status. following not done yet
- day 3 part 2
- day 4 part 2
- day 5 part 2
- day 6 part 2
- day 7 part 2
- day 8 part 2
- day 9 part 2
- day 10 part 1, part 2
- day 11 part 2
- Steve — Today at 12:49 PM
- Day 05 is the first interesting problem. You did part1, but you didn't do part2 which is where the problem starts to get hard
- Day 06 is also slightly interesting, despite it's trivial to solve. You did part1, you didn't do part2, but you didn't discovered the "interesting" solution.
- Day 08 is probably the first very idiotic problem. I hated it. You need to study the (real) input to find the sensible not-overly-complex solution.
- Day 12 is interesting.
- Day 14 is interesting.
- Day 17 got me stuck. I did both parts, but part2 is slow and unacceptable by my personal standards.
- Day 18 is interesting, but easy (for third-week problem) if you know what to do.
- I didn't even read the problems past day 18. (I was focusing on truly solving day 17 and currently I lost interesting in the advent of code).
- Also, most of the "interesting" part of the problem is in part2. I think all the part1 are bruteforceable (thus, uninteresting) to some degree
- If you want advice for your livestream, do the part2 of the problems you already solved. Every part2 is just a spicy part1. It's the same problem with a twist that frequently break bruteforce solutions
- (Those are my impressions by skimming through my solutions. To be honest, I don't really remember any of those problems.)
- Also, "interesting" is a strong word lol. They are dummy problems that are meant to be solved in one day, and when you get stuck it's frustrating because it's literally a waste of time