Optional Function Parameters in Computer Language Docs (the idiocy thereof)

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

there's a common idiocy among tech geekers in documentation. For example, from ❮http://docs.python.org/3.0/library/bisect.html❯ ,


python 3 bisect doc
Python 3.0 doc on bisect
bisect.bisect_left(list, item[, lo[, hi]])

this is unreadable and confusing, especially because square brackets are valid syntax in the lang.

the tech geeking idiots write it that way because, writing it that way makes them computer scientists. It came from certain BNF. In particular, pythoners live in a world of “comp sci R us”.

what it means is this, any one of the following:

bisect.bisect_left(list, item)
bisect.bisect_left(list, item , lo)
bisect.bisect_left(list, item , lo, hi)

Here is another example, from PHP

php doc preg grep
PHP doc on preg_grep
array preg_grep ( string $pattern , array $input [, int $flags = 0 ] )
mozilla doc settimeout 2019-04-25 x72gm
Mozilla doc on JavaScript setTimeout 2019-04-25


which lang doc does it properly?

Wolfram Language.

Wolfram Language Table doc
Wolfram Language doc on Table Table

and JavaScript doc by Microsoft. 〔see Examples of Quality Documentation in Computing Industry

Addendum. In python doc for version 2.7 and 3.1 and later, they corrected this. Now they write it like this: bisect.bisect_left(a, x, lo=0, hi=len(a)). (2013-02-25 Thanks to Yuri Khan.)