How Much You'll Get for Writing a Programing Book?
how much you'll get for writing a programing book?
you'll get maybe $2 per book, and you might sell 4k copies, if your book is ranked among the top 3 best JavaScript books.
how long does it take to write it? half a year to a year or more, full time work.
so, the total you make in a year is maybe $8k.
for a average programer, you get $8k in a month.
- 〔Coding Horror: The Book By Jeff Atwood. At , accessed on 2013-07-25〕
- 〔Do Not Buy This Book By Jeff Atwood. At , accessed on 2013-07-25〕
- 〔Programming Book Profits By John Resig. At , accessed on 2013-07-25〕
- [Randal L. Schwartz interview At] - 〔Hard Work, No Pay: What's the Point? By Charles Petzold. At , accessed on 2013-07-25〕
- 〔Secrets of book publishing I wish I had known By Mark Hurst. At, accessed on 2013-07-25〕