without, u can't get the gears, the spokes, the wheels, can't even make them.
ur speakers, headphones, is math. massive.
in ur mouth, keyboard, microwave oven, even your stove. it's all math!
even ur sneaker shoes, eg nike, is filled with math.
material science math, computer modeling math, simulation physics math, ergonomics math, human biomechanics math!
even ur piss stream, is math. called fluid dynamics.
ur brain, is mathematics!
ok. it seems, all is math. What, then, is not, math?
but wait! we didn't math enough yet.
see this painting, made by pencil? even pencil art, this is extreme math
see this engraving? engraving, is also, math!
and omg, even gaming, is math, and virtual reality second life, mathematics it is
so, WHAT, the fuck, is not math?
so, u'll notice, when u sit in a car, or use a mouse, or listening with headphone, it's all math, but that math, is very diff, than escher's painting with pencil.
that escher pencil, is more math than all the math in ur life combined.
u see?
can u see?
how can we describe the situation in the western logical way?
we say, academically, that one math, is the requirement of the thing, while the other math, is the essence, of the thing.
so for example, when see a car, omg, it's filled with math u'll never comprehend.
the combustion engine, the chemistry of gas, the driving wheel mechanism, break system, rubber material used, took us human animals few thousands years of math, to unstand, then produce.
that is, math, made it possible.
the production of the thing, is math. Engineering, is math.
but, echer's pencil, no need such shit.
with ya fingers on sand, u can, do the echer math.
no even pencil required.
but here, the math, is real, and deep.
it is, the essence, of math.
in academic mumble jumble speak, the thing, the content, represents, captures, the heart, of mathematics.
now, let's look, raytracing, the programer's idiot faaak's obsession.
what the fuck, is this shit?
oh, glasses and dice. nice.
sure, programer idiots have to sweat a lot to create it. using mathematician's brain.
but programer idiots, no unstand a thing.
programer idiots, think that, wine glasses, r math.
so, what is math?
many definitions.
one way, is to say, it's something that distills the rules of the universe.