Emacs: Run Current File 🚀
Here's a emacs command that execute the current file. (the content can be JavaScript code, or python, ruby, bash, golang, etc.)
put this in your Emacs Init File:
(defvar xah-run-current-file-dispatch nil "A dispatch table used by `xah-run-current-file' to call dedicated function to run code. Value is a association list. Each item is (EXT . FUNCTION). EXT is filename extension (sans the dot), type string. FUNCTION is a elisp function name to call, type symbol. If file extension match, and FUNCTION is defined, call it, pass current buffer's filepath as arg. Else, `xah-run-current-file-map' is looked up." ) (setq xah-run-current-file-dispatch '(("el" . load) ("elc" . load) ("java" . xah-java-compile-and-run))) (defvar xah-run-current-file-map "A association list that maps file extension to a command for running the file, used by `xah-run-current-file'. Each item is (EXT . PROGRAM). EXT is filename extension (sans the dot), type string. PROGRAM is program name or path, with command options to run a file, type string. A filename is appended after the PROGRAM string as external command to call.") (setq xah-run-current-file-map '( ;; following are tested as of 2024-12-20 ("fs" . "dotnet fsi") ("fsx" . "dotnet fsi") ("go" . "go run") ("js" . "deno run") ("php" . "php") ("pl" . "perl") ("ps1" . "pwsh") ("py" . "python") ("py2" . "python2") ("py3" . "python3") ("rb" . "ruby") ("ts" . "deno run") ("m" . "wolframscript -print all -file") ("wl" . "wolframscript -print all -file") ("wls" . "wolframscript -print all -file") ;; following may be outdated ("clj" . "clj") ("hs" . "runhaskell") ("latex" . "pdflatex") ("ml" . "ocaml") ("rkt" . "racket") ("sh" . "bash") ("tex" . "pdflatex") ("tsx" . "tsc") ("vbs" . "cscript") ("pov" . "povray +R2 +A0.1 +J1.2 +Am2 +Q9 +H480 +W640"))) (defun xah-java-compile-and-run (Filename) "Compile and run java of current buffer. Buffer is saved first if modified. This command is designed for a simple single java class source file. requires the commands 「javac」 and 「java」. If compile fails, the error is displayed in a buffer. Created: 2024-12-20 Version: 2024-12-20" (interactive (if buffer-file-name (progn (when (buffer-modified-p) (save-buffer)) (list buffer-file-name)) (user-error "Buffer is not file. Save it first."))) (let ((xoutbuf (get-buffer-create "*xah java output*" t)) (xjavac-buf (get-buffer-create "*xah java compile output*" t))) (with-current-buffer xjavac-buf (erase-buffer)) (call-process "javac" nil xjavac-buf nil Filename) (if (eq 1 (with-current-buffer xjavac-buf (point-max))) (progn (with-current-buffer xoutbuf (erase-buffer)) (call-process "java" nil xoutbuf nil (file-name-nondirectory (file-name-sans-extension Filename))) (display-buffer xoutbuf)) (display-buffer xjavac-buf)))) (defun xah-run-current-file (Filename) "Execute the current file. Output is printed to buffer *xah-run output*. File suffix is used to determine what external command to run, in the variable `xah-run-current-file-map'. If file is modified, it is auto saved before run. The variable `xah-run-current-file-dispatch' allows you to customize this command to call other function to run the current file. URL `http://xahlee.info/emacs/emacs/elisp_run_current_file.html' Created: 2020-09-24 Version: 2024-12-20" (interactive (if buffer-file-name (progn (when (buffer-modified-p) (save-buffer)) (list buffer-file-name)) (user-error "Buffer is not file. Save it first."))) (let ((xoutbuf (get-buffer-create "*xah-run output*" t)) (xext (file-name-extension Filename)) xdispatch) (setq xdispatch (assoc xext xah-run-current-file-dispatch)) (if xdispatch (if (fboundp (cdr xdispatch)) (progn (message "calling %s" (cdr xdispatch)) (funcall (cdr xdispatch) Filename)) (warn "`xah-run-current-file' found function %s in xah-run-current-file-dispatch but it is unbound. Normal run continues using `xah-run-current-file-map'." xdispatch)) (let ((xappCmdStr (cdr (assoc xext xah-run-current-file-map)))) (when (not xappCmdStr) (error "%s: Unknown file extension: %s. check `xah-run-current-file-map'" real-this-command xext)) (cond (t (progn (with-current-buffer xoutbuf (erase-buffer)) (apply 'start-process (append (list "xah run" xoutbuf) (split-string xappCmdStr " +" t) (list Filename) nil)) (display-buffer xoutbuf))))))))
console.log(Array(5).fill(0).map((x, i) => (x + i)));
Write-Output (1..5)
print (1..5)
p (1..5).to_a
printfn "%A" [1..5]
<?php print_r(range(1, 5)); ?>
Table[ x^2, {x, 1, 5}]
public class PrintMe { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("73"); } }
package main import "fmt" func main() { for i := 0; i <= 5; i++ { fmt.Printf("%v ", i) } }
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- get latest version from Emacs: Xah Fly Keys 📦