Emacs: Move Cursor to Punctuation 🚀

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Jump to Punctuation

This command lets you jump to any punctuation. You can change what character are considered punctuation.

(defvar xah-punctuation-regex nil "A regex string for the purpose of moving cursor to a punctuation.")
(setq xah-punctuation-regex "[\"=+]")

(defun xah-forward-punct ()
  "Move cursor to the next occurrence of punctuation.
Punctuations is defined by `xah-punctuation-regex'

URL `http://xahlee.info/emacs/emacs/emacs_jump_to_punctuations.html'
Version 2017-06-26 2024-01-20"
  (re-search-forward xah-punctuation-regex nil t))

(defun xah-backward-punct ()
  "Move cursor to the previous occurrence of punctuation.
See `xah-forward-punct'

URL `http://xahlee.info/emacs/emacs/emacs_jump_to_punctuations.html'
Version 2017-06-26 2024-01-20"
  (re-search-backward xah-punctuation-regex nil t))

You need to give them easy keys for this idea to work, such as {Ctrl+7, Ctrl+8}. [see Emacs Keys: Define Key] (you'll need a key that can be held down to repeat, such as F8, Ctrl+8, and for example Ctrl+c c wouldn't work. [see Keybinding Design, Fast-Repeat Commands])

This is to be used together with Emacs: Move Cursor to Bracket 🚀

The jump to punctuation is inspired by ace-jump-mode: https://github.com/winterTTr by winterTTr. I heard about ace-jump from jcs's blog