Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2013-05

AutoScroll on Linux Google Chrome Browser http://xahlee.blogspot.com/2013/05/autoscroll-on-linux-google-chrome.html

slight update. How to Embed Video with Valid HTML

the W3C group removed the “hgroup” tag in HTML5. Updated: HTML Tags Complete List (thx to [ XueFuqiao ] https://twitter.com/XueFuqiao)

updated. HTML Video Tag. (thx to [ XueFuqiao ] https://twitter.com/XueFuqiao)

Google Plus UI tiny comment box 2013-05-17
new Google Plus interface, featuring the claustrophob box.

See: User Interface Design: Peepshow Windows

Fade a Element using JavaScript

updated. Fixed a Google Chrome bug. See the tip at bottom to StackOverflow on a interesting JavaScript Google Chrome issue.

The Unfortunate Fate of Music MIDI File

The “pre” tag idiocy. Syntax Design Problem: Irregularity vs Convenience

updated with HSL color values. CSS Color Names