PowerShell: Test If Collection Contains a Value

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

💡 TIP: Operator names are case-insensitive.

-contains operator


collection contains a value. case-insensitive.

$x = 1,2,3
$x -contains 3
# True
$x = "A","B"
$x -contains "a"
# True

$x = "A","B"
$x -icontains "a"
# True

$x = "A","B"
$x -ccontains "a"
# False

same as -contains.


case-sensitive version of -contains.


negation of -contains


same as -notcontains


case-sensitive version of -notcontains

-in operator


value is in a collection. The -in operator is like -contains, but the operands are in reverse order.


value is not in a collection

$x = 1,2,3
3 -in $x
# True

case-insensitive, same as -in


case-insensitive version of -notin


case-sensitive, same as -in


case-sensitive version of -notin

PowerShell: Array

PowerShell, Boolean Related