Ruby: Hash Table
In Ruby, Hash Map is a ordered list of key/value pairs. (in Ruby since v1.9 (year 2009), its hashmap is ordered.) Tip: in other programing languages, it's called dictionary, or association list, or keyed list, or map.
# define a hash table hh = {:john => 3, :mary => 4, :joe => 5, :vicky => 7} p hh == {:john=>3, :mary=>4, :joe=>5, :vicky=>7} # getting value from a key p hh[:mary] == 4 # add a entry hh[:jenny] = 99 p hh == {:john=>3, :mary=>4, :joe=>5, :vicky=>7, :jenny=>99} # delete a entry hh.delete :vicky p hh == {:john=>3, :mary=>4, :joe=>5, :jenny=>99} # get all keys p hh.keys() == [:john, :mary, :joe, :jenny] # get all values p hh.values() == [3, 4, 5, 99] # check if a key exists p (hh.has_key?(:mary)) == true p (hh.has_value?(:jenny)) == false
In Ruby, :something
is a “symbol”. It's similar to lisp's symbol. For practical purposes, you can think of it as a static string. Whenever you need to use a string as a label, you should use symbol instead.
In the above example, you could replace all symbols by string. But using symbol is more efficient, because each string is a full object
In Ruby, “everything” is a object. So, creating a string creates a object, which often means it's slow. So, the “symbol” datatype is a solution for that.
# hash, with keys as string aa = {"john" => 3, "mary" => 4, "joe" => 5} # hash, with keys as symbol. bb = {:john => 3, :mary => 4, :joe => 5}
In Ruby, “everything” is a object. So, creating a string creates a object, which often means it's slow. So, the “symbol” datatype is a solution for that.