Xah Talk Show 2019-00-04 most efficient ways to switch window/app in Linux/Mac/Windows

vidthumb iTAgWuqqTmM

comment on my YouTube or discuss on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/ach96l/most_efficient_ways_to_switch_windowapp/

a lot people like the style of type somethig to search. I think it began with the Mac app QuickSilver back around 2004. Then, it spread to MacOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, and emacs (helm. was known as “everything”)

personally i don't like that workflow. (and actually don't use it in any OS nor in emacs)

with respect to switching windows/app, note that, the type something method is far less efficient. With function keys, it's just 1 key stroke. With the text search method, first a key combo to bring up the search box, then 3 or more letters. Though, it has advantage of being useful in general and no need setup. But i think its still better to set function keys. Can have both.