Xah Talk Show 2022-11-28 Why Common Lisp Sucks, and Xah Lee is a Troll, lispm

Xah Talk Show 2022-11-28 Why Common Lisp Sucks, and Xah Lee is a Troll
<li>🆕 <a href=\"../M/WolframLang_notation.html\">Intro to Mathematica/WolframLang Notation</a></li>
<li><a href=\"../M/lisp_vs_WolframLang.html\">LISP vs WolframLang</a></li>
<li><a href=\"../M/lisp_root_of_wolfram_lang.html\">LISP / APL Root in Wolfram Mathematica</a></li>
<li><a href=\"../M/Mathematica_logo.html\">Mathematica Logo History</a></li>
<li>🆕 <a href=\"../M/wolfram_load_path.html\">WolframLang: Load Path</a></li>
<li><a href=\"../math/calculators.html\">Best Graphing Calculator</a></li>




(defun xah-html-move-text-block-to-other-pane ()
  "Move the current text block or selection from the current pane to the other pane's cursor position.
Version 2022-11-28"
  (let ()
