Xah Talk Show 2023-10-25 Xah Fly Keys, Bill Gosper Equations, Game of Life
- Timestamp
- 1:27 glove80 keyboard, uhk
- 2:25 Xah Fly Keys intro
- 11:48 design of Xah Fly Keys
- 18:11 install Xah Fly Keys
- 24:12 Star Trek
- 26:03 Bill Gosper
- 28:26 Gosper Identities
- 35:05 Gosper's hacks
- 35:42 Gosper Curve
- 39:07 game of life
- 40:29 Gosper Identities in WolframLang
- 50:58 meaning of math identities
- 58:19 how Ramanujan did it
- 1:01:18 game of life
- 1:04:37 download WolframScript
- 1:05:15 WolframScript demo
Product[ Pi / (2 ArcTan[ x ]) , {x, 1000, 2000} ]
Product[ Pi / (2 ArcTan[ x ]) , {x, n, 2 n} ]
{n -> Infinity }