Xah Talk Show 2024-06-11 Ep558, Which is Best Lisp? Common Lisp, Scheme, Elisp, Clojure, Wolfram Language
- Timestamp
- 0:26 keyboard glove80, uhk, svalboard
- 1:26 lisps
- 1:44 common lisp
- 2:12 scheme racket lisp
- 4:42 scheme call-cc
- 8:03 emacs lisp
- 12:09 clojure
- 14:55 cons cells
- 21:04 why common lisp sucks
- 24:48 threads
- 27:08 common lisp object system
- 29:15 why setf sucks
- 45:52 Wolfram language lisp
- 47:38 lisp macros vs term rewrite
- 52:23 lisp's list vector association hashtable
- 1:00:42 emacs lisp is better than all for this
- 1:02:47 java to clojure
- 1:03:31 erik naggum
- 1:04:29 fundamental problem of lisp
xlist = [3, 4, 5]
print( xlist )
xlist[0] = 99
print( xlist )
(setq xlist (list 3 4 5))
(print xlist)
(setf (elt xlist 0) 99)
(print xlist)
WolframLang 2024-06-11 fVM9