Xah Talk Show 2024-08-28 Ep580, Advent of Code 2023, Day 13, Wolfram Language
toy input
#.##..##. ..#.##.#. ##......# ##......# ..#.##.#. ..##..##. #.#.##.#. #...##..# #....#..# ..##..### #####.##. #####.##. ..##..### #....#..#
- turn the text block into a matrix. because then we can use transpose, a standard function in linear algebra.
- first, find the mirror line (horizontal) first. because, rows are more common to deal with in a matrix.
- if 2 rows are the same and are adjacent, it is potentially a mirror line.
- first find if there are 2 adjacent rows and same. if not, it does not have horizontal mirror line.
- if it does have 2 adjacent same rows, compare their outter rows are the same.
- if so, continue to compare outter rows till no rows.
- when anytime the outter rows not same, the initial adjacent rows is not a horizontal mirror line.
- if all outter row pairs match, then the initial adjacent rows is the horizontal mirror line.
- if the above fails, find the next adjacent rows that are same.
- repeat above.
- in order to have a horizontal mirror line, at least 2 rows must be identical. but this is not the whole condition.
- what happens if all rows are the same. then, any row is a horizontal mirror line
crazy situations:
- what if all rows are the same, or all columns.
- what if there are both horizontal and vertical mirror lines.
- what if no mirror lines at all. in this case, the block is 0.
- what if there are more than one horizontal mirror lines, or more than one vertical mirror lines.
suppose this is a matrix with horizontal mirror line
1 2 3 ------------ 3 2 1
1 2 ------------ 2 1 3 ----------- 3
1 -------------- 1 3 -------------- 3 1 -------------- 1
- the pairs of rows that are the same, is constant.
- 1 6 = 7
- 2 5 = 7
- 3 4 = 7
input = "#.##..##. ..#.##.#. ##......# ##......# ..#.##.#. ..##..##. #.#.##.#. #...##..# #....#..# ..##..### #####.##. #####.##. ..##..### #....#..#"; xtextBlocks = StringSplit[ input, "\n\n" ]; xmatrixList = Map[ Function[{x}, Map[ Characters, StringSplit[ x , "\n" ] ] ] , xtextBlocks ]; (* check, given a matrix, does it have horizontal mirror line *) (* first find if there are 2 adjacent rows and same. if not, it does not have horizontal mirror line. *) (* xmatrixList[[1]] is { {"#", ".", "#", "#", ".", ".", "#", "#", "."}, {".", ".", "#", ".", "#", "#", ".", "#", "."}, {"#", "#", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", "#"}, {"#", "#", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", "#"}, {".", ".", "#", ".", "#", "#", ".", "#", "."}, {".", ".", "#", "#", ".", ".", "#", "#", "."}, {"#", ".", "#", ".", "#", "#", ".", "#", "."} } *) (* return a list of int. Each is a row number. Means, it and next row are the same. If empty list, then no same adjacent rows. *) xSameIndexList = Map[ Function[{yy}, Flatten@ Position[ Map[ Function[{x}, Apply[ SameQ, x ] ] , Partition[ yy , 2, 1 ] ], True, {1} ] ], xmatrixList]; (* {{3...}, {4...}} *) (* two possible results of xSameIndexList this {{},{},...} or {{3}, {7},...} *) (* If it is empty list. but the list may be nested empty list. *) (* if this return true, means the matrix has a horizontal mirror line. elso, no. *) Map[ Function[{mm}, Map[Function[{xindex}, Module[{xfront = Take[xmatrixList[[2]], xindex], xrest = Drop[xmatrixList[[2]], xindex], xfrontLen, xrestLen}, xfrontLen = Length[xfront]; xrestLen = Length[xrest]; If[xfrontLen <= xrestLen, With[ { xnewfront = Reverse[xfront] , xnewrest = Take[xrest, xfrontLen]}, xnewfront === xnewrest ] , With[{xnewfront = Take[xfront, -xrestLen] , xnewrest = Reverse[xrest]}, xnewfront === xnewrest ] ]]], mm] ] , xSameIndexList] {{False}, {True}} (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) (* problem, given 2 lists inside a list *) { {1,2,3}, {1,2,3,4}} (* create a list like this *) { {1,2,3}, {1,2,3}} (* namely, drop the longer list rest items. *) Riffle[ {1,2,3}, {a,b,c,d} ] (* {1, a, 2, b, 3} *) Riffle[ {1,2,3}, {a,b,c,d}, 1 ] Riffle[ {1,2,3,4}, {1,2,3} ] (* {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4} *) Riffle[ {1,2,3,4,5,6}, {1,2,3} ] MapThread[ ff, { {1,2,3}, {1,2,3,4}}] MapThread[ ff, { {1,2,3}, {1,2,3,4}}] PadRight[ ] (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) (* pattern matching approach *) (* use pattern matching, to return neighbor rows that are same. *) Cases[ xmatrixList[[1]] , Condition[ { ___, rowA_List, rowB_List, ___ }, ( rowA === rowB ) ] -> f[rowA, rowB] , {0} ] (* another text. on second matrix *) Cases[ xmatrixList[[2]] , Condition[ { ___, rowA_List, rowB_List, ___ }, ( rowA === rowB ) ] -> f[rowA, rowB] , {0} ] (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) (* use pattern matching, to find if a matrx has a horizontal mirror line. *) MatchQ[ xmatrixList[[2]], Condition[ { xfront___, rowA_List, rowB_List, rest___ }, And[ ( rowA === rowB ), SameQ[ Reverse @ {Splice[ xfront ] , rowA}, { rowB , rest} ] ] ] ] (* given two list of rows. we want know, if we reverse the one with smaller length, it is a sub expression of the other larger. *) (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) (* use pattern matching, to return neighbor rows that are same. for this example, we use integer to represent a matrix row. *) MatchQ[ {646, 593, 984, 639, 156, 156, 639, 984, 593, 646}, Condition[ { xfront___Integer, rowA_Integer, rowB_Integer, rest___Integer }, And[ ( rowA === rowB ), SameQ[ Reverse @ { Sequence@xfront , rowA}, { rowB , Sequence@rest} ] ] ] ] (* True *) (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) (* now, work on, when the front rows and rest rows have different length. *) MatchQ[ { {646, 593, 984, 639, 156 } {156, 639, 984, 593} } , { xnewfront___List, newrest___List } ]
(* example of partition *) Partition[ {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} , 2, 1 ] (* {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6, 7}} *) (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) SameQ[ {1,2}, {2,3} ] (* False *) SameQ[ 7 ] (* True *) (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) (* syntax shortcut example *) Map[ SameQ@@ # & , Partition[ {1,2,3,4,6,6,7} , 2, 1 ] ] Map[ Function[{x}, Apply[ SameQ, x ] ] , Partition[ {1,2,3,4,6,6,7} , 2, 1 ] ]; 3 + 5 Plus[3,5] (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) (* {False, False, False, False, True, False} *) (* if empty, means same adjacent rows *) (* else, result is a list of integers, say for n, means n th and (n+1) th rows are the same *) Position[ x3 , True] (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) (* syntax shortcuts, aka lisp reader macro. and FullForm, aka sexp *) SameQ[ xFirstMatrxSameNeighRowIndexes, List[List[]] ] SameQ[ xFirstMatrxSameNeighRowIndexes, {{}} ] xFirstMatrxSameNeighRowIndexes === {{}} (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) Split[ {3,3,4,5,6} ] (* {{3, 3}, {4}, {5}, {6}} *) Split[ { {3,3}, {4,5}, {4,5}, {6,7} } ] (* {{{3, 3}}, {{4, 5}, {4, 5}}, {{6, 7}}} *) (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) Split[ { {3,3}, {4,5}, {4,5}, {6,7}, {x,y}, {x,y}, {6,7}, {9,7}, {6,683} } , UnsameQ ] {{{3, 3}, {4, 5}}, {{4, 5}, {6, 7}, {x, y}}, {{x, y}, {6, 7}, {9, 7}, {6, 683}}} (* {{{3, 3}, {4, 5}}, {{4, 5}, {6, 7}}} *) (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) Take[ Range[ 9 ], 6 ] (* {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} *) Drop[ Range[ 9 ], 6 ] (* {7, 8, 9} *) (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) FullForm@ Hold[ {x_ , y_} /; ( x === y ) ] (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) {Sequence[ 2, 3 ]} (* {2, 3} *) {Sequence[ 2 ]} (* {2} *) {Sequence[ ]} (* {} *) {Splice[ {2,3} ]} (* {2, 3} *) {Splice[ {3} ]} (* {3} *) {Splice[{}]} (* {} *) {Splice[]} (* error *) (* HHHH--------------------------------------------------- *) Map[Function[{xindex}, Module[{xfront = Take[xmatrixList[[2]], xindex], xrest = Drop[xmatrixList[[2]], xindex], xfrontLen, xrestLen}, xfrontLen = Length[xfront]; xrestLen = Length[xrest]; Print["xfront ", xfront //MatrixForm ]; Print["xrest ", xrest //MatrixForm]; Print["xfrontLen ", xfrontLen ]; Print["xrestLen ", xrestLen ]; If[xfrontLen <= xrestLen, With[ { xnewfront = Reverse[xfront] , xnewrest = Take[xrest, xfrontLen]}, Print["xnewfront ", xnewfront //MatrixForm ]; Print["xnewrest ", xnewrest //MatrixForm]; xnewfront === xnewrest ] , With[{xnewfront = Take[xfront, -xrestLen] , xnewrest = Reverse[xrest]}, Print["xnewfront ", xnewfront //MatrixForm ]; Print["xnewrest ", xnewrest //MatrixForm]; xnewfront === xnewrest ] ]]], xSameIndexList]
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