Mathematica Packages for Plane Curves

Mathematica Packages


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This package contain six graphics functions. TrochoidPlot, HypoTrochoidPlot, EpiTrochoidPlot, TrochoidGenerator, HypoTrochoidGenerator, and EpiTrochoidGenerator. The *Plot functions draw trochoid curves. The *Generator functions generates animation.

Some examples of graphics and movies generated by this package can be seen here: Epicycloid and Hypocycloid


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This package define two graphic functions: MultiTrochoidPlot and TrochoidMovie. MultiTrochoidPlot plots multiple hypotrochoid and epitrochoids of various parameter settings, TrochoidMovie[] generates animations showing the effect of gradually varing one or more parameter on the curve generated. In other words, this package will draw SpiralGraphs and its mathematical variations.

Some examples of graphics and movies generated by this package can be seen here: Epicycloid and Hypocycloid .


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Ruled surface are surfaces that can be generated by moving a line in space. This package exports several functions that plot ruled surfaces, including: RuledSurfacePlot[], CylinderPlot[], Oloid[], RegularTetrahedron[], Cube[], RightCircularCone[], HyperboloidOfOneSheet[], Helicoid[], HyperbolicParaboloid[]. The RuledSurfacePlot[] takes two space curves and connect them by lines to form a ruled surface.

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