By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

The whatwg.org and now also w3c URLS now also constantly 404, no redirect.

the link in question:

whatwg.org broken link 2016-01-07
whatwg broken link. http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/scripting-1.html, was good on , dead in .

i've been linking to spec URLs for 15 years. FSF, python, go 404 every few years. Companies, Sun java doc, Apple tech doc, also go 404. Now, w3c, and whatwg too.

A web expert Anne van Kesteren (twitter https://twitter.com/annevk • blog https://annevankesteren.nl/) saw my tweet, and, fixed it! See: https://github.com/whatwg/html/commit/de753f666fde831058bca5aa4ce0e118c3bc307c

2018-10, More W3c Dead Link

starting few years ago, the w3 site start to have dead links. e.g.

w3c dead link 2018-10-19 daca5
w3c dead link 2018-10-19

Dead Links