Emacs: eshell

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

What is Eshell

Start Eshell

Alt+x eshell to start it.

emacs eshell 2021-08-28
eshell on Windows
emacs eshell mac 2024-07-03
eshell on Mac

Advantages of Eshell

  • Platform agnostic - it works the same on unix based OSes and Windows
  • tramp integration - if you start an eshell while default-directory is pointing at a buffer that is served over tramp, then eshell will use the same connection, and allow manipulation of the remote filesystem without using dired.
  • find-file … It's just so much easier being able to type 'find-file blah' as a command it open blah in an emacs buffer (even over tramp, see above)
  • consistency - eshell uses its own method of colouring the output of ls and thus is consistent across platforms and shell configurations, which can be important if you ever have to use it on accounts that you don't have authority to modify .bashrc/.profile on.
  • /dev/clip and /dev/kill - you can redirect shell commands to the emacs clipboard and killring
  • redirect to buffers - along with the above, you can also do things like ls >> #<buffer *scratch*> to output the result from ls to the scratch buffer

[From NikkiA at reddit]

eshell Documentation

Alt+x info, then click on eshell.

emacs eshell 2021-03-24
emacs eshell 2021-03-24

Eshell is written by John Wiegley [http://newartisans.com/] . Thank you John.

How to set environment variable for just within eshell?

Shell in Emacs