Emacs Magit Mode Problem

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

why i stopped using magit mode

trying to wean myself from magit. Super annoyed by snail speed, elaborate keybinding that tramples emacs key scheme, and irreverence of emacs buffer naming scheme.

in emacs, auto generated buffer's name should start with an asterisk. but magit doesn't. So when one cycle buffer, magic ones comes up. Then, normally i can kill buffer by my system-wide Windows key macro Ctrl+w by pressing a single button. But magit fucks with that key. Escalating the problem.

emacs magit problem 2021-09-21
emacs magit problem 2021-09-21

magit buffer name trounces gnu emacs convention

Annoying. Magit buffer name not starting and ending with asterisks. That's against emacs convention. The problem is, commands that skips emacs generated buffer will not work.

magit buffer name 2020-08-19 5NjY8
magit buffer name 2020-08-19

The magit author Jonas Bernoulli retorts that it is a technical problem.

magit Jonas Bernoulli 2020-08-19 VxczY
magit Jonas Bernoulli 2020-08-19 ❮https://twitter.com/magit_emacs/status/1296050436286357506❯

He says to look up magit-buffer-name-format in magit-mode.el

magit-buffer-name-format 2020-12-21 gMyMD
magit magit-buffer-name-format

magit problem with repeat-complex-command

emacs magit repeat-complex-command 2020-09-06
magit gave you this when you call repeat-complex-command