Xah Fly Keys Layout for Glove80 Keyboard

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

This is a optimal layout of Glove80 Keyboard for using with Emacs: Xah Fly Keys 📦. This layout can also be used with Ergodox Keyboard or similar. .

Layout for Xah Fly Keys

Glove80 Xah Fly Keys Layout 7

glove80 xah-fly-keys layout 7 2023-04-21
glove80 xah-fly-keys layout 7 2023-04-21


Glove80 Xah Fly Keys Layout 5

glove80 xah-fly-keys layout 5 2023-04-02
glove80 Xah Fly Keys layout 5 2023-04-02 https://my.glove80.com/#/layout/user/bba2e92c-81cd-4ee3-a250-79992dc33abf
