Xah Fly Keys Layout for Kinesis/Ergodox Keyboard

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

This is a optimal layout of Kinesis Advantage2 Keyboard for using with Emacs: Xah Fly Keys 📦. This layout can also be used with Ergodox Keyboard .

Xah Kinesis layout d14, for Xah Fly Keys

This is my current layout. Started using it since 2020-03.

Xah Kinesis layout d14 o q e j k p u i x y a d b f h m g t w c n r v s z l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - = , : . ' ; [ ] 🔴1 \ / ~ ` 🔴3 Home Shift Shift Space Esc Tab PgUp PgDn Alt Ctrl Win 🔴2


Here's the config file:


see Kinesis Advantage2 Programing Guide

more layouts Kinesis/ErgoDox Keyboard Layouts

Layout on Ergodox Colemak

A Ergodox Colemak user sent me this layout.

xah fly keys ergodox colemak layout s48gp
xah-fly-keys, colemak layout, on ergodox. By vandr0iy, 2020-01-05
Kinesis Advantage2 20210104 9pSWc-s900
Kinesis Advantage2 Keyboard