Xah Fly Keys Layout for Truly Ergonomic Keyboard

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

This is a optimal layout of Truly Ergonomic Keyboard for using emacs with Emacs: Xah Fly Keys 📦.

Truly Ergonomic Computer Keyboard-3246
Truly Ergonomic keyboard. (photo by To1ne flickr, used with permission)

Here's the layout.

truly ergonomic keyboard xah fly keys layout 55098 main layer
Main layer, is with QWERTY letters layout.
truly ergonomic keyboard xah fly keys layout 55098 numlock layer
Number Lock layer, is with Dvorak letters layout.


This config does not use Truly Ergonomic keyboard's Fn key layer, in keeping with the principle of reducing chord keys use.

Download at layout №55098

Older Version

This is a older layout i used around 2013, with previous version of Xah Fly Keys.

xah truly ergonomic keyboard 207 config 2013-10-01
xah Truly Ergonomic Keyboard config

Also note the F13F17 keys. They are used as single key, mostly for controlling windows and tabs system-wide.

The “Apps” on the left space bar position means the ▤ Menu key. It is used as global leader key for key sequences.

See also: