Complex Numbers in Java
Java does not have complex numbers. Here is a toy function that provides complex number multiplication.
class T2 { /** * complex number multiplication * @param a First complex number to be multiplied * @param b Second complex number to be multiplied * @return The product of a and b. */ public double[] complexMultiply (double[] a, double[] b) { double[] prod= {a[0]*b[0] - a[1]*b[1], a[1]*b[0] + a[0]*b[1]}; return prod; } } public class T1 { public static void main(String[] arg) { double[] c1 ={0., 1.}; double[] c2 ={0., 1.}; T2 x1 = new T2(); double[] m =x1.complexMultiply(c1,c2); System.out.println(m[0]); // -1.0 System.out.println(m[1]); // 0.0 } }
A Robust Complex Number Implementation
Here is a more robust, yet still simple, complex number implementation. From David Eck and Richard Palais. .
Note that, in the above, we used array of 2 elements to represent complex numbers. This is a functional approach. While in the code below, a more traditional OOP approach is used.
Go thru it, and see how in general complex numbers are implemented in Java. Try to write a sample code that calls this class and do a multiplication of two complex numbers.
package vmm.core; /** * A complex number, with a real and an imaginary part. (Possibley to be replaced with * a class that has better support for complex arithmetic and functions of a complex variable.) */ public class Complex { public double re, im; /** * Create a complex number initially equal to zero */ public Complex() { } /** * Create a complex number initially equal to the real number x. */ public Complex(double x) { re = x; } /** * Create a complex number initially equal to x + iy */ public Complex(double x, double y) { re = x; im = y; } /** * Create a new complex number that is initially equal to a given complex number. * @param c The complex number to be copied. If null, it is treated as zero. */ public Complex(Complex c) { copy(c); } public static final Complex ZERO_C = new Complex(0,0); public static final Complex ONE_C = new Complex(1,0); public static final Complex I_C = new Complex(0,1); /** * Returns true if obj is equal to this complex number. If obj is null or is not * of type Complex, the return value is false. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { try { Complex c = (Complex)obj; return == re && == im; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Computes the conjugate of a complex number. */ public Complex conj() { return new Complex( re, -im ); } /** * Returns the complex number (r*cos(theta)) + i*(r*sin(theta)). */ public static Complex polar(double r, double theta) { return new Complex(r*Math.cos(theta),r*Math.sin(theta)); } /** * Sets this complex number equal to a copy of a given number. * @param c The number to be copied; if null, the number is treated as zero. */ public void copy(Complex c) { if (c == null) re = im = 0; else { re =; im =; } } /** * Returns this + c; c must be non-null. */ public Complex plus(Complex c) { return new Complex(re +, im +; } /** * Returns this - c; c must be non-null. */ public Complex minus(Complex c) { return new Complex(re -, im -; } /** * Returns this * c; c must be non-null. */ public Complex times(Complex c) { return new Complex(re* - im*, re* + im*; } /** * Returns this / c; c must be non-null. */ public Complex dividedBy(Complex c) { double denom =* +*; if (denom == 0) return new Complex(Double.NaN,Double.NaN); else return new Complex( (re**, (im**; } public Complex times(double x) { return new Complex(re*x, im*x); } public Complex plus(double x) { return new Complex(re+x, im); } public Complex minus(double x) { return new Complex(re-x, im); } public Complex dividedBy(double x) { return new Complex(re/x, im/x); } /** * Returns the absolute value squared of this. * @return real part squared plus imaginary part squared */ public double abs2() { return (re*re + im*im); } /** * Returns the absolute value, "r" in polar coordinates, of this. * @return the square root of (real part squared plus imaginary part squared) */ public double r() { return Math.sqrt(re*re + im*im); } /** * Returns arg(this), the angular polar coordinate of this complex number, in the range -pi to pi. * The return value is simply Math.atan2(imaginary part, real part). */ public double theta() { return Math.atan2(im,re); } /** * Computes the complex exponential function, e^z, where z is this complex number. */ public Complex exponential() { double length = Math.exp(re); return new Complex( length*Math.cos(im), length*Math.sin(im) ); } /** * Computes the complex reciprocal function, 1/z, where z is this complex number. */ public Complex inverse() { double length = re*re+im*im; return new Complex( re/length, -im/length ); } public Complex log() { double modulus = Math.sqrt(re*re + im*im); double arg = Math.atan2(im,re); return new Complex(Math.log(modulus), arg); } /** * Computes that complex logarithm of this complex number * that is nearest to previous. * A test code is in fractals.TestAnalyticContinuation. */ public Complex logNearer(Complex previous) { Complex c = new Complex(this.log()); double h = ( -*Math.PI); double d = (2*Math.PI)*Math.floor(h+0.5); = - d; return c; } public double sinh(double x) { return (Math.exp(x) - Math.exp(-x))/2; } public double cosh(double x) { return (Math.exp(x) + Math.exp(-x))/2; } public Complex sine() { double x, y; Complex z = new Complex(0.0,0.0); x = re; y = im; = Math.sin(x) * cosh(y); = Math.cos(x) * sinh(y); return z; } public Complex power(double x) { double modulus = Math.sqrt(re*re + im*im); double arg = Math.atan2(im,re); double log_re = Math.log(modulus); double log_im = arg; double x_log_re = x * log_re; double x_log_im = x * log_im; double modulus_ans = Math.exp(x_log_re); return new Complex(modulus_ans*Math.cos(x_log_im), modulus_ans*Math.sin(x_log_im)); } /** * Returns a complex k-th root of this complex number. The root that is returned is * the one with the smallest positive arg. * (If k is 0, the return value is 1. If k is negative, the value is 1/integerRoot(-k).) */ public Complex integerRoot(int k) { double a,b; boolean neg = false; if (k < 0) { k = -k; neg = true; } if (k == 0) { a = 1; b = 0; } else if (k == 1) { a = re; b = im; } else { double length = r(); double angle = theta(); if (angle < 0) angle += Math.PI*2; length = Math.pow(length,1.0/k); angle = angle / k; a = length*Math.cos(angle); b = length*Math.sin(angle); } if (neg) { double denom = a*a + b*b; a = a/denom; b = -b/denom; } return new Complex(a,b); } /** * Computes that square root of this complex number * that is nearer to previous than to minus previous. * A test code is in fractals.TestAnalyticContinuation. */ public Complex squareRootNearer(Complex previous) { Complex c; c = this.integerRoot(2); if (* +* < 0){;; } return new Complex(,; } public double[] stereographicProjection() { double rsquare,rsquarePlusOne; double [] projPoint = new double[3]; rsquare = re * re + im * im; rsquarePlusOne = rsquare + 1; projPoint[0] = (2 * re)/rsquarePlusOne; projPoint[1] = (2 * im)/rsquarePlusOne; projPoint[2] = (rsquare - 1)/rsquarePlusOne; return projPoint; } }