Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-05
Interesting that Microsoft Edge browser haven't picked up. Remain below Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer.
- Chrome 63%
- Safari 17%
- Firefox 11%
- IE 3%
- Edge 1%
Firefox Linux bug. “Noto Color Emoji” font are huge
problem is also reported at
CSS: Newspaper Text-Flow Over Multi-Column Layout (updated. Now supported by browsers)
CSS: Round Corners (minor update)
CSS: Animation (minor update)
CSS Color Spec Separator Now Allow Space
O, the whims of the standard.
2017-05-12 thanks to Fuqiao Xue (xfq).
Random Integer Function 🚀 (added es2015 code)
Randomize Node Children 🚀 (code updated to ES2015)
Find Window Size (updated)
new CSS unit: vw vh vi vb vmin vmax
there's new CSS unit.
- Equal to 1% of the width of the viewport.
- Equal to 1% of the height of the viewport.
- Equal to 1% of the size of the initial containing block, in the direction of the root element's inline axis.
- Equal to 1% of the size of the initial containing block, in the direction of the root element's block axis.
- Equal to 1% of the minimum value of the height and the width of the viewport.
- Equal to 1% of the maximum value of the height and the width of the viewport.
The vw
and vh
are supported by Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, latest ones as of 2017-05-06
The vi
and vb
are not supported by Google Chrome, and probably not others neither.
these are really needed. For example, you want to create a div box, with a specified aspect ratio of say 4/3. (width 4, height 3). You can say
style="width:100vw; height:75vw"
Often, on the side you have columns for index and ads etc. What you really want is percentage of the container box.
The solution is the vb
unit. Like this:
style="width:100vb; height:75vb"
But vb
is not supported by Google Chrome yet.
These are most useful when you are creating SVG graphics, and you want the viewport to be max of a div, with a specified aspect ratio.
〔see Practical SVG Tutorial〕
See also: Find Window Size
yarn, a new package manager for JavaScript. I recommend it instead of npm. https://code.facebook.com/posts/1840075619545360