JS: DOM Events
this page is a short intro on DOM event object. For basics of how to use event, see:
event Properties
- event.altKey
- event.bubbles
- event.button
- event.cancelBubble
- event.cancelable
- event.charCode
- event.clientX
- event.clientY
- event.ctrlKey
- event.currentTarget
- event.defaultPrevented
- event.detail
- event.eventPhase
- event.explicitOriginalTarget
- event.isChar
- event.keyCode
- event.layerX
- event.layerY
- event.metaKey
- event.originalTarget
- event.pageX
- event.pageY
- event.relatedTarget
- event.screenX
- event.screenY
- event.shiftKey
- event.target
- event.timeStamp
- event.type
- event.view
- event.which
- event.createEvent()
- event.initEvent()
- event.initKeyEvent()
- event.initMouseEvent()
- event.initUIEvent()
- event.preventDefault()
- event.stopImmediatePropagation()
- event.stopPropagation()
write about stopPropagation
button.addEventListener ("click", function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); /* ... */ }, false);
write about stopPropagation
ou can prevent the default action with the preventDefault() function on the event object. Alternatively, you can just return false from the handler:
form.addEventListener ("submit", function(e){ /* ... */ return confirm("Are you super sure?"); }, false);
If the call to confirm() returns false—
write about The Event Object
when a event is fired, its event handler is passed a event object.
modern browsers support this object, except IE8 and below
- stopPropagation()
- preventDefault()
- bubbles: A boolean indicating whether the event bubbles up through the DOM
- button: show which mouse button is pressed
- ctrlKey:
- altKey:
- shiftKey:
- metaKey:
keyboard event Properties
- isChar: A boolean indicating whether the event has a key character
- charCode: A unicode value of the pressed key (for keypress events only)
- keyCode: A unicode value of a noncharacter key
- which: A unicode value of the pressed key, regardless of whether it's a character: Where the event happened:
- pageX, pageY: The event coordinates relative to the page (i.e., viewport)
- screenX, screenY: The event coordinates relative to the screen
Elements associated with the event:
- currentTarget: The current DOM element within the event bubbling phase target
- originalTarget: The original DOM element
- relatedTarget: The other DOM element involved in the event, if any