History of Web Tech
Collection of rant and web tech history.
- The Story of XML
- Evolution of the Script Tag
- Spec with Invalid HTML
- Death of HTML Frameset 2021
- HTML Correctness and Validators
- Google and Amazon Generates Invalid HTML
- Google Pushes Invalid HTML to the World
- How to Embed Video with Valid HTML
- Google Earth KML Invalid
- W3C HTML Validator Invalid
- HTML5 Doctype, Validation, X-UA-Compatible, and Why Do I Hate Hackers
- HTML6, JSON SXML Simplified
- HTML5 Killed the “big” Tag?
- WHATWG vs W3C Split
- HTML Style 1999: Hacker News
- History of the JavaScript script Tag
- Google HTML/CSS Style Guide: Good Style or Bad Taste?
- Complexity of SVG
- npm Fiasco. Malware that Steals Bitcoin
- History of Angular.js
- Apache Rewrites History: Why is it Named Apache?
- Atom/RSS Reader Bug, Relative Link
- Browser War, Mobile Passed Desktop Since ~2016
- Are You Intelligent Enough to Understand HTML5?