Geometric Pattern on Sphere and Torus

By Xah Lee. Date:
sphere two point islamic pattern
Sphere with two-point pattern. “A two-point spherical Islamic star pattern with nine-pointed and ten-pointed stars. Created using custom-designed software, with a tiny bit of postprocessing in Rhino.” [By Craig Kaplan 2010-05-26 photo source]

This is created by Craig S Kaplan []

You can actually buy this, as a real object. $13 USD. Place it on your desk or coffee table, sure to attract admirers. Buy it at .

Islamic Star Patterns in Absolute Geometry (2004-04) By Craig S Kaplan, David H Salesin. ACM Transactions on Graphics 23(2):97-119, April 2004.

Islamic Star Patterns in Absolute Geometry By Craig S Kaplan, David H Salesin. ACM Transactions on Graphics 23(2):97-119, April 2004. ❮❯

math art: islamic pattern metal sphere

cubical two point pattern metal sphere Craig S Kaplan
“cubical two point pattern metal sphere” by Craig S Kaplan. Buy at
islamic geometry pattern z
islamic geometry pattern 〈Tending toward the convex〉 〔Tending toward the convex By Craig S Kaplan. At , accessed on 2016-04-04〕

Craig S Kaplan is a expert at mathematical decorative patterns. You can find more of his work on his site at

Computer Generated Islamic Star Patterns By Craig S Kaplan. At