How to Update Nvidia Driver

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Find out your current nvidia driver version

press ❖ Window key, then type nvidia control panel

launch nvidia control panel

nvidia control panel 2022-09-20 pGpTj
Nvidia Control Panel 2022-09-20

click menu Help, System Information

you get:

nvidia help system info 2022-09-15 RzpDq
nvidia help system info 2022-09-15

the line Driver Version is your version.

Warning: do not go to Microsoft Windows Device Manager. The driver version number there is one of the driver component's version.

Download nvidia driver


WARNING: do not web search. If you search, you get random spam site or skam site

find a menu titled Drivers, goto it.

nvidia site drivers download 2022-09-20 gz37D
nvidia site drivers download 2022-09-20 gz37D

Choose your driver version

the driver names are very confusing.

what is notebook version?

nvidia driver download menu 2021-05-13 tfzMF
nvidia driver download menu 2021-05-13 tfzMF

Notebook version drivers are typically for laptop computers.

If you on desktop, you don't want notebook version.

Game Ready vs Studio

nvidia Game Ready or Studio Driver 2021-05-13 VZ8xF
nvidia Game Ready or Studio Driver 2021-05-13 VZ8xF
nvidia studio driver 2022-09-15 khsW6
Nvidia studio driver 2022-09-15
nvidia studio driver size 2022-09-15 nKbNs
nvidia studio driver size 2022-09-15 nKbNs

The download size is almost 2 giga bytes.

what is Nvidia Experience?

The Nvidia Experience is a software for gamers that monitors what you do on your comp. You no need it. However, you are forced to download it. When you install, you have option to skip it.

Nvidia Driver