Ruby: Quote Long String, Heredoc
Using Different Brackets to Quote String
You can use a bracketing operator to quote a long string.
Literal string. Similar to single quote
. %Q{text}
Evaluated string. Similar to double quote
.Any variable, char escapes, Ruby code, are evaluated inside.
You can use other delimiters for either %q
or %Q
For example:
This is useful if your string already contain quote characters. This way, you can change to a different bracket, so you don't need to do escapes in the string.
# quote string that contain quote marks xx = %q{Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, «and what is the use of a book,» thought Alice «without pictures or conversation?».}
xx = 4 # quote string and also eval code inside p %Q{#{xx} and #{1+2} and more} == "4 and 3 and more"
Like Perl, PHP, you have “heredoc” for quoting long string. Start with
where randomString is a contunious random string a to z, capital case or lowercase. End with the same
on a line by itself.
aa = 4 bb = <<nHh9t something something big string also code #{aa} nHh9t # the #{aa} becomes 4
If you want the text to NOT be interpolated, start your quote string with single quote mark, like this:
yy = 4 xx = <<'cmxBS' x is #{x} cmxBS p xx == "x is \#{x}\n"
If the delimiter string start are double quoted, it's also interpolated.
x = 4 # interpolated xx3 = <<zYMMy x is #{x} zYMMy p xx3 == "x is 4\n"