Xah Talk Show 2019-08-28 math languages, scientific programing, a new kind of science, what is random, cellular automata
topic talked:
- A Class of Programing Languages: Math Languages
- Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1?
- Mathematica N[Pi, 1000000]
- Derivative[x^3+b x^2, x]
- 〔A Book from Alan Turing… and a Mysterious Piece of Paper By Stephen Wolfram. At https://blog.stephenwolfram.com/2019/08/a-book-from-alan-turing-and-a-mysterious-piece-of-paper/〕
- https://bellard.org/quickjs/ and https://bellard.org/
- Notes on A New Kind of Science
- cellular automata. game of life.
- what's random
- John Horton Conway
- Elisp: Syntax Color Source Code in HTML
- Emacs: Xah HTML Mode (xah-html-mode.el)