Xah Talk Show 2019-09-25 Unicode, UTF-8, UTF-16, Encoding Systems, Unix/Linux/OpenSource Fanaticism

- https://youtu.be/IDAX5K91XTo
- unicode, encoding, #python #golang, #JavaScript, and how linux sucks donkey ass 2019-09-25
topics discussed, somewhat in order:
- Unicode: Rune ᚠ
- Golang: Rune
- Unicode: Character Set, Encoding, UTF-8, Codepoint
- Windows-1252
- Chinese Websites Character Encoding Survey, Year 2012
- Encoding used for language source code. golang (utf8), python perl JavaScript (any) • java (utf16).
- What does a string mean in programing languages? different language has greatly different approach to this issue. e.g. in golang and python2 string is sequence of bytes. In Java, JavaScript, a string is a sequence of 16 bits, based on utf16 encoding.
- LISP Logo
- unix/linux spearding FUD = Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt
- unix linux embrace and extend
- philosophy of backward compatibility. python2, python3, JavaScript, unix/linux vs Apple vs Microsoft Windows
- Extrawurst
- Golang: String, Byte Slice, Rune Slice
- what's the best syntax
- project to rewrite all unix/linux man pages
- tldp.org. the linux documentation project
- JS: Character, Code Unit, Codepoint
- JavaScript "😂".length === 2 is true