Xah Talk Show 2019-10-05 shen lisp, monk, Shakespeare Andronicus, Paul Graham and philosophy, nim crystal golang

- https://youtu.be/g6rcQj_UlS4
- shen lisp, monk, Shakespeare Andronicus, Paul Graham and philosophy, nim crystal golang 2019-10-05
topics talked:
- Chinese hand exercise balls
- How to Avoid Emacs Pinky
- schedule for next week. 10am everyday, San Francisco time. put on specific topic for each day.
- https://www.youtube.com/user/polyglut/community
- how to judge the importance of a piece of software, with respect to humanity.
- how important is emacs, vim? how important is scheme lisp, java, C?
- Netiquette Anthropology: Tales of Tech Geekers
- The Tragedy Of Titus Andronicus
- Paul Graham's Infatuation with the Concept of Hacker
- What is Philosophy and Paul Graham
- What do you think about Mark Tarver and his Shen language?
- What is Philosophy and Paul Graham: Qi Lisp Creator Mark Tarver on Is Philosophy Useful?
- Why Qi Lisp Fails and Clojure Succeeds
- Qi Lisp Language Logo
- white people, and yuppies, programers at Google Facebook twitter etc, why they are into eastern religion.
- chinese character 神 (shen) (god, deity, divinity, spirit)
- Proliferation of Programing Languages