Xah Talk Show 2019-11-07 Signum keyboard. History of CMS, eXtreme Programing, Agile, Crackpots, static site generator. wikipedia vs Britannica
topics talked:
- content mangement systems. Panos A, wrote: cms (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Django-cms, Grav) vs “handcrafted” websites
- Signum keyboard
- Big Corner Key
- Voodoos of Software Engineering
- eXtreme Programing and Agile Voodoo
- history of content management systems (CMS).
- faq-o-matic, dad of CMS http://faqomatic.sourceforge.net/fom-serve/cache/1.html
- history of static website generating system. jekyll, hugo, etc.
- dad of static site generator. Frontier by Dave Winer. (crackpot). http://davewiner.userland.com/historyOfFrontier/
- wikipedia way vs Britannica way
- Unicode Search 😄