Xah Talk Show 2019-12-06 how to contribute to emacs, linux firewall iptable networking
topics talked:
- Linux: Firewall, iptables Tutorial
- TCP/IP Tutorial for Beginner
- how to contribute to emacs
- https://github.com/melpa/melpa
- gnu emacs's official package repo https://elpa.gnu.org/
- Steve Purcell lead melpa maintainer https://github.com/purcell
- magit maintainer for years https://github.com/tarsius
- Donald Curtis (milkypostman) started MELPA https://github.com/milkypostman
- gnu emacs dev mailing list https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2019-12/threads.html
- linux package managers. debian/ubuntu apt-get, apt-cache, dpkg, redhat rpm, arch linux pacman
- function programing based package manager: nixos
- Linux: How to Install/Remove Packages
- Emacs Lisp Doc String Curly Quote Controversy
- Emacs: JavaScript Mode War