Xah Talk Show 2019-12-17 八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり) Yukari Yakumo, divination, trigram, hexagram, bagua, iching, book of change

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  • https://youtu.be/vCdkU1dWObc
  • 八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり) Yukari Yakumo, divination, trigram, hexagram, bagua, iching, book of change 2019-12-17
yukari xg2dg
八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり) Yukari Yakumo

topic talked:

The outfit Yukari wears in post-Perfect Cherry Blossom games has two groups of solid/broken lines called trigrams on the front. A solid line represents Yang and a broken line is Yin. The top trigram is “dui” or “tui” (open) and is associated with west and water. The bottom trigram is “kūn” (field) and is associated with southwest and earth, as well as Yoni (divine passage). The two trigrams together in that order form the hexagram for “clustering,” “gathering together,” and “finished”, which sounds more fitting for Suika Ibuki.

The hexagram “Ts'ui” formed by the combination of “tui” and “kun” results in a meaning of gathering together to persevere towards a destination. This hexagram signifies also great wisdom which is necessary for leadership when directing an assembly together to create overall prosperity for everyone. Yukari herself can be seen as an overseer of Gensokyo. Her ability to create boundaries would definitely give her the ability to bring everyone together while maintaining the harmony of the “created” world. Maybe this design was a critique on her abilities?

易經 Book of Changes and 太玄經 Canon of Supreme Mystery

xah talk show 2019-12-17 927kt
Xah Talk Show 2019-12-17
