TypeScript Will Kill CoffeeScript and Dart!

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Microsoft created a new lang: TypeScript.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that combines type checking and static analysis, explicit interfaces, and best practices into a single language and compiler.

Since it's a superset of JavaScript, any JavaScript code is also a valid TypeScript code. It's also open source! The designer is Anders Hejlsberg (born 1960), father of Turbo Pascal, Delphi, Microsoft C#.

This is a great video intro, Anders Hejlsberg: Introducing TypeScript

Anders Hejlsberg Introducing TypeScript 2012-10-01
Anders Hejlsberg Introducing TypeScript 2012-10-01

[2021-12-04 video gone] http://media.ch9.ms/ch9/c3e5/e5e02f2e-5962-48db-9ddd-85e27a4fc3e5/IntroducingTSAndersH_512.jpg

Thoughts on TypeScript By Nicholas C Zakas. At http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2012/10/04/thoughts-on-typescript/ , accessed on 2012-10-05〕

Note: Nicholas C Zakas worked at Yahoo as lead engineer on JavaScript for a number of year, and is the author of [Professional JavaScript for Web Developers by Nicholas Zakas. At Buy at amazon]

See also: